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clean slate

Friday, July 17, 2015

Well hello there strangers!! I feel like it has literally been forever since I've had two seconds to create a new post but I am so happy to finally be back in my blogging world again. So much has happened this year and I must say 2015 has been pretty amazing! I will try to catch you all up with the juicy details before we start again with a clean slate....here we go(:

Earrings: Earth Bound Trading Co. (similar here) // 
Dress: Ross (similar here) // Purse: Coach (old) more modern here // 
Shoes: Coach and Four (similar here)

Well I feel like when I say I have had ZERO time to blog I really do mean it. 2015 has been a whirl-wind but totally worth it. It is weird to think that I only have one year of school left and then I am hit with the REAL WORLD...AHHH... which every adult has forever warned me about. I must say I am a bit nervous but totally excited at the same time. But, since we got to virtually hangout last let me catch you up....I got a promotion at my job, got a second job with Red Bull North America's marketing team, been named Public Relations officer of my organization at school, and decided to continue Executive Producing, North Texas Now ( check out the last episode here ), Colton and I celebrated our two year anniversary in Austin, TX, and I am finally able to decorate our house just the way I like. Long story short...life is pretty good right now (not that I don't have my bad days). I plan to blog more and keep ya'll updated on life and give you helpful style, recipe and DIY tips to make like a little easier. Keep checking in and it was so good to see you again!

p.s. I took all of these pics with my iphone 6 (say whaaaa)


xoxo, priss

♥stay connected♥

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