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I LOVE Baby Frou Frou ♥

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


 My Top BFF Picks of the Week:
SO... I have some EXCITING NEWS EVERYONE!! I have teamed up with Baby Frou Frou and I am loving all of their stuff! && Just to thank ya'll for being so incredibly awesome I have a coupon code for ya'll! 

Enter MISSPRISS at checkout to receive 10% off your purchase ♥

What I have coming to me in the mail {come to mammma!}

Link: http://www.lovebff.com/

All of their stuff is already super inexpensive and ADORABLE!! I can't wait to pair these babies up with something amazing and share it with all of you so stay on the look out! As you can tell I have had so many happenings in my life lately (moving in, school prep, internship, meetings etc.) so I am so sorry for my lack of blogging but I promise I have so much stuff lined up and I have not forgotten you!

ALSO, Some more fun news!

I will be participating in the Tootsies fall fashion preview fashion show THIS Thursday (Aug. 15th). I went to my fitting on Monday and got to style my very own look! 

 My theme is everything fringe {can you tell?} I chose one look out of all of these amazing pieces. Talk about a difficult decision! I will be doing a post about the entire fashion show and what I wore so keep a look out for that! && If you decide that you just can't wait, you can come and see all of the trends yourself!

here are the deets:

Hope to see you there!

xoxo, priss

♥ stay connected ♥

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