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Meet Ashley Fultz from The Style Editrix

Navigating Friendship in LA & My Secrets A Perfect Girl Gang

A Little About Me

Here is the low down: I am a California transplant with some deep Texas roots. I came out to Los Angeles in 2016 immediately after I graduated from college with a degree in Converged Broadcast Media. I was chasing after that California dream to work in entertainment news! It is crazy to think that I now really do work in entertainment news and cover all things from Brad Pitt to the Bachelor on a daily basis. However, you won't find any of that juicy stuff here on my site. Here is where I love to share my other passions in life (boss babes, fashion, traveling, beauty...) and give you guys some advice I have learned along the way! I originally started my blog in college as a way to share my life experiences/interest with my friends and family. Since then, I have changed things up a bit and evolved my platform as a way to motivate and inspire people from all around the world. My site is a space where anyone can come to check out what is going on in my life and connect with all of YOU! If you are a twenty something millennial (like me), I know you know the struggle of trying to figure everything out while having a life too (AMEN!). I am here to tell you that while it is not easy, but can be done! Click for more...


Where else you can find me