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Monday, November 17, 2014

HELLO LOVES! So, as you may know {or may not know} I have been a little MIA but I promise I have been keeping super SUPER busy! So much has been going on this school year I have had a hard time keeping you all up to date with me but that is all about to change..right...NOW♥ Here is a quick overview on what I have been up too....let me catch you up!

I have been working very hard on this production this year. I am the Executive Producer and Host for a entertainment talk show. It  has been one of the best experiences ever but it has definitely taken some hard work and dedication. We just got done filming our final 3rd episode and the first two have already aired! I am so proud for what my team accomplished this semester and I must share the first episode with you now...

p.s. I got to go up in the air in a REAL HOT AIR BALLOON!!

EPISODE ONE LINK: https://vimeo.com/109739790

what was your favorite part?!?

Another thing you may or may not know about me is that I am involved with my campus television network! This semester I got to participate in our election coverage as one of the social media anchors {imagine that!haha} It was such a great experience doing what I love to do!

AND....I have also been heavily involved within another organization at school, the North Texas Sweethearts. As the Public Relations chair I have been pretty busy but, not gonna lie we have been having some fun too! This past weekend we had initiation for all of our new girls....

 ...and followed it the very next night with our winter formal!

Doesn't he look FANTASTIC!? I loved our complete look! So minimal but flawless♥

Here are some options for you if you are going for the same type thing.

WHEEEWW! Now you are pretty much caught up on what has been going on with me. This week I have some great stuff coming so check back in! Thank you so much for sticking with me,

I love you all so so much!

xoxo, priss

♥stay connected♥

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